Medical Coding 101

Medical Coding 101

Pursuing a career in medical coding puts you at the intersection of two interesting and vital industries: healthcare and electronic health records. However, you might be wondering exactly what medical coders do. Let’s dive right into it—we hope to find you your best career yet.

The Details

Medical coders translate medical information through electronic health records. They begin by reviewing a patient’s information and assigning procedure codes for patient care treatments, billing purposes, and healthcare statistical tracking.

The primary goal of the coding system is to keep the healthcare industry’s information organized and billable. Medical coders generally work to optimize health information management.

The Where

When it comes to finding a job in medical coding, you can work in any health care facility. From doctor’s offices to hospitals to surgery centers and healthcare consultants, you’ll get to do what you love while making a difference.

The medical coding profession doesn’t just serve healthcare centers. Seasoned medical coders can teach in educational institutions to train future-generation coders. You can also choose to work for insurance agencies, where you’ll verify the validity of patient claims, find missing or incorrect information, and compare the patient’s treatment to the insurance plan coverage for processing.

Other employment opportunities include law firms and government agencies, where you can tackle billing fraud or take part in population health studies.

Can Medical Coders Work from Home?

Yes. Medical coding from home is a popular choice for many. As long as you have strong internet connectivity, you can begin building your medical coding career from wherever you are. However, most companies prefer to hire medical coders with significant experience to work from home, whereas those new to the profession typically work in an office setting. However, many companies are embracing digital operations and are open to hiring remote medical coders.

How Much do Medical Coders Make?

If you’re wondering if medical coders make good money, the answer is yes. Your income will vary depending on your location, but the typical range is between $30,000-40,000 per year.


Our goal is to nurture students by developing the career of their dreams. With FNU’s online programs, no distance will stop you from gaining a medical coding certification and building your career. We are located in Miami, FL, and Hialeah, FL. You can find more information on our online programs by requesting information on our web page or by calling FNU at 305-821-3333 — Contact us today!